SD 5 Teeth Cleaning Tips Between Dental Visits

5 Teeth Cleaning Tips Between Dental Visits 

Teeth cleaning is essential for general health. However, maintaining good oral hygiene extends to more than just getting regular professional cleanings. You have to brush and floss regularly using the right techniques and eat healthily.

Without proper teeth cleaning, you may get cavities and gum diseases. If left untreated, they can infect your tooth nerve and cause abscesses or teeth and bone losses.

To appreciate the essence of maintaining clean teeth, you need to understand some of the most common oral problems and their effects on your health. Continue reading for some teeth cleaning tips that will keep you in check until your next dental visit!

What is Teeth Cleaning?

Teeth cleaning is an important undertaking that includes the removal of dental plaque. It helps prevents cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal diseases. While you routinely clean your teeth at home every time you brush and floss, hardened deposits can only be removed through professional cleaning.

Unlike brushing and flossing, professional cleaning includes tooth scaling, debridement, and polishing. Your dentist will use several devices and instruments to clean hardened tartar deposits in your teeth.

Professional cleanings are often not painful, especially if you do regular cleaning at home.

Why Teeth Cleaning Matters?

Having a good smile does not mean that you can avoid seeing your dentist. Regular dental visits and professional cleaning should be a routine. Here are some of the reasons why you need to see your dentist regularly.

  • To remove tartar and plaque buildup, which are the main causes of tooth decay and gum disease
  • To remove unsightly stains in your teeth
  • To detect gum diseases and other oral health problems at an early stage to prevent them from becoming worse
  • Use restorative options to improve teeth and gums
  • Provide preventive dental options such as fluoride treatment and dental sealants to reduce the risk of decay
  • To get tips on how to clean teeth at home properly using brush and floss

Teeth Cleaning Tips You Can Do At Home

After visiting a dentist for professional teeth cleaning, it’s important to take the right steps every day to maintain them in good condition and prevent problems. This involves getting the right oral care products, as well as being mindful of your daily habits.

1. Brush Effectively

Before brushing your teeth, it is best to use a mouth pre-rinse containing calcium because it can help fluoride remain on your teeth longer. Frequent, careful brushing will prevent plaque buildup and cavities. Brush at least two times daily. Use a brush with soft bristles to prevent gum bleeding. Small and rounded-end brushes are better so you can reach all parts of your mouth and teeth. Be sure to brush your cheek-side, gums, and tongue too!

Place your brush at a 45-degree angle. Rock your brush back and forth in circular movements. Never brush vigorously to avoid damaging your tooth enamel.

2. Use A Fluoride Toothpaste

When it comes to choosing the right toothpaste, you should look for more than just whitening properties and flavors. You have to buy one that contains fluoride.

While fluoride has been questioned about how it impacts general health when taken excessively, this substance remains a mainstay in oral health. It is the leading defense against tooth decay. Most toothpaste contains just the right amount of fluoride, so there’s really nothing to worry about.

3. Floss Regularly

On top of brushing, another best way to clean teeth is flossing. Nearly 80% of cavities occur in the pits, grooves, or fissures of your teeth’s chewing surfaces. A toothbrush may miss these areas.

The finger-wrap technique uses a floss that is 18 to 20 inches long. Wrap the ends of the floss around each of your hand’s middle fingers until they are 3 inches apart. The circle method, on the other hand, uses a floss that is 12 inches long. You need to the floss’ ends together to create a loop. While flossing, create a U-shape curve with your floss around each and every tooth and then slide it under your gum line.

Aside from floss, you can use toothpicks and oral irrigators to supplement interdental cleaning.

4. Avoid Harmful Dental Habits

To maintain good oral hygiene after professional teeth cleaning, you have to do more than just brushing and flossing. You must eat healthily and avoid foods, drinks, and other habits that can wreak havoc on your teeth.

  • Avoid Soda. Soda contains high amounts of sugar that may cause your teeth to break down over time. It also has citric acid and phosphoric acid, which may corrode your teeth enamel and make you susceptible to cavities.
  • Cut Down on Sugar. Sugar promotes acidity and the growth of bacteria in your mouth, which may potentially cause tooth decay. You do not need to stop taking sugar altogether. Limiting its intake as well as brushing after a sweet treat may benefit your overall health.
  • Stop Smoking. Smoking is terrible for teeth. Smoking can undo all your efforts to clean your teeth, including the work done by your dentist. Tar and nicotine found in cigarettes can corrode your gums. It also increases plaque and bacterial production in the mouth. Moreover, increases your risk for tooth loss and oral cancer.

5. Use Mouthwash

A mouthwash with fluoride can help prevent tooth decay. However, do not use it immediately after brushing to avoid rinsing away the concentrated fluoride from your toothpaste. Also, do not drink or eat at least 30 minutes after using mouthwash. Use it at a different time such as after lunch.

Teeth cleanings are not only designed to improve appearances. They are the best means to prevent and treat oral health problems. Aside from taking good care of your teeth at home, get professional teeth cleaning at least twice yearly. Schedule an appointment with Sunrise Dentistry now! Call us at (970) 247-3303.

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