SD-Tooth on a coffee beans

Cosmetic Dentistry: Foods and Drinks To Avoid

Some people have beautiful smiles the day they are born. Others, however, may need a bit of help.

Cosmetic dentistry is a wide range of procedures that dentists offer to help patients achieve beautiful smiles. These procedures can make a dramatic difference to your appearance, which you can easily see in cosmetic dentistry before and after pictures. But, you will need to take good care of them to help make the results last.

Patients often ask about the foods and drinks they should avoid after a cosmetic procedure. Although each patient’s procedure may be different, there are certain foods and drinks that they should avoid.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments 

Cosmetic dentistry is a form of professional dental care that improves the appearance and function of your teeth. These are the five most common cosmetic procedures dentists offer:


Implants are a great alternative to dentures if you have missing teeth or want to restore function and beauty to your smile. Implants are tiny titanium screws that are placed into the jaw. Dentists top them with crowns made to look like your natural teeth.

Implants become a permanent part of your mouth once the gums and bones fuse. This cosmetic procedure may take some time to complete because the gums need to heal.

Teeth Whitening 

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic procedure in a dentist’s office. They use a bleaching agent on your teeth to make them look whiter after they clean your teeth thoroughly. Although you can whiten your teeth at home, your dentist will efficiently give you the best results.

Inlays and Onlays 

Inlays and onlays, also known as indirect fillings, can fill cavities that are too small for crowns or too large for fillings. Onlays cover more of the tooth’s surface, while inlays cover the cusps of your teeth.

Cosmetic Bonding 

Cosmetic bonding is a procedure that gives your teeth a healthy look by covering chips, cracks, and worn edges with a composite material that matches your enamel color.

Dental Veneers 

Veneers are made from medical-grade ceramic and used by dentists to cover a patient’s natural teeth. Each patient has a custom-made veneer that blends seamlessly with their natural teeth and covers cosmetic issues such as gaps or damaged enamel.

Foods and Drinks To Avoid After Cosmetic Procedures 

Avoiding all of the foods and beverages listed here may not be possible, but it’s best to be careful around them.


Ice-cold drinks are a great way to cool off during hot summer days. It’s almost impossible not to chew any remaining ice. However, chewing on ice can damage your veneers or bonded front teeth. If you’re looking for a reason you should stop chewing ice, this is it.

Tomato-based Sauces 

Teeth can also get stained by acidic tomato and curry sauces. These delicious sauces don’t necessarily have to be eliminated from your diet. However, you can rinse your mouth with water after eating and brush your teeth to maintain a bright smile.

Nuts, Popcorn, and Other Hard Foods 

Some foods to avoid after composite bonding include hard foods, corn on the cob, apples, and nuts. Don’t chew with your front teeth if you’re eating with bonded front teeth; use your rear premolars instead to protect your cosmetically-enhanced front teeth.


Can you eat with veneers? Yes, just not sticky, hard, and gummy candies. Gummy bears, for instance, can stick to your teeth and cause damage to dental veneers or bonded teeth. Meanwhile, hard candies can crack and damage your natural teeth and other dental works.

Instead of biting, try to suck them. Don’t chew your candy for too long; otherwise, you’re exposing your mouth and teeth to a lot of sugar.

Blueberries, Raspberries, and Blackberries 

Tannins make berries one of the best foods for your teeth. However, you should limit your intake because eating too many berries can stain your teeth. It’s best to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after eating them.

Acidic and Teeth-staining Drinks 

Your natural teeth and dental prostheses can get stains from coffee, tea, wine, and other juices. Limit your intake, especially if you had your teeth whitened. If you can’t avoid drinking them, sip through a straw instead.

Cosmetic Dentistry Aftercare 

These are some tips to take care of your smile after cosmetic dentistry, whichever procedure you choose to have.

Avoid chewing or biting on non-food items. 

It would help if you did not chew or bite anything other than food. Don’t chew on pencils, pen tips, and fingernails, and don’t open packages or bags of chips with your teeth. Use scissors or an appropriate opening tool to protect your new smile.

Stop smoking. 

Smoking can damage your teeth, stain them, and worsen other dental problems. Quitting smoking can help you save money and maintain your teeth and health. It can also help reduce the need for dental work and restorations.

Be careful of what you consume. 

It’s important to avoid hard foods, ice cubes, and nuts if you have crowns, veneers, or bonding. Chewing or biting on these foods can damage your cosmetic dental work.

Use a mouth guard. 

Wear a night guard if you grind or clench your teeth while you sleep. These actions can damage your natural teeth and your dental work. You should also talk to your dentist about getting a custom mouth guard if you play contact sports.

Maintain good oral hygiene. 

Dental professionals recommend that you regularly floss and brush your teeth to prevent stains and plaque buildup that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Protecting your gums against gum disease is important; veneers don’t cover your gums, and your gums will still recede when you have gum disease.

Use toothpaste that is specifically designed for dental restorations. Rinsing with mouthwash is a great way to maintain your oral hygiene. However, avoid alcohol-based products. They can cause damage to the bonding agent that holds your dental work in its place.

If you can’t help but drink tea, wine, or coffee, rinse or brush after drinking them. It will help remove any staining pigments and reduce the acidity of your mouth.

Key Takeaway 

Cosmetic dentistry helps many achieve the smile of their dreams and makes them feel better about their appearance. Dentists can provide many of these procedures, but patients must take great care of them to make the results last. One of the ways they can do this is by avoiding certain groups of foods and drinks like candies, hard foods, and acidic foods. They can also care for their cosmetically-enhanced teeth by using a mouth guard, maintaining good oral hygiene, quitting smoking, and avoiding chewing or biting on non-food items.

Get beautiful smiles from Sunrise Dentistry. 

Cosmetic dentistry might just provide you with the confidence boost you need. You might enjoy or feel proud when you see your cosmetic dentistry before and after pictures. Our dentists in Durango, CO, can help you achieve your smile goals while keeping your teeth and gums strong and healthy. Call us today, and take your first steps toward a healthy smile.

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