

SD-a pediatric dentist teaching a child

The Role of A Pediatric Dentist in Early Oral Care

The foundation for lifelong oral health is built in the earliest stages of life. By cultivating healthy oral hygiene practices during infancy and early childhood, we can establish habits that will benefit our dental health for years to come—and in this process, a pediatric dentist is an invaluable partner who can provide crucial guidance and

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SD-Dentist examining the sign of dry mouth

Managing Dry Mouth: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

Xerostomia, commonly termed dry mouth, is a prevalent condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience, the wide range of symptoms associated with this condition can have an extensive impact on an individual’s physical, emotional, and social functioning. From difficulty eating and speaking to bad breath and increased

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Woman sleeping comfortably

Sleeping Habits and Oral Health: How Are They Connected?

Oral health is a window to overall health. Many studies have shown that the state of our teeth and gums can provide insight into our overall well-being, as they are closely linked to a range of illnesses and can impact our quality of life. However, we often overlook the connection between oral health and sleeping

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What You Need To Know About Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the most common oral health problems among adults. A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report reveals that over 47% of adults 30 years and above have periodontal disease. It also only becomes more common with age, with 70% of older adults experiencing it. However, it’s one of the easiest

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What Causes Bleeding Gums and How To Stop Them

Bleeding gums are fairly common, with most people experiencing it at least once during their lifetime. However, it’s an often overlooked symptom that may lead to other conditions. Several factors contribute to bleeding gums. Let’s learn why gums bleed and ways to stop bleeding gums. Bleeding Gums: Causes Gums bleed for various reasons, like: Gum

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How To Care for Children’s Teeth

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which aims to raise awareness and educate about maintaining children’s good oral health. In the spirit of National Children’s Dental Health Month, let’s answer some of the Internet’s most frequently asked questions about children’s dental care. Why is children’s dental care important? Before we dive into the FAQs on

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