Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Sweets

Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Sweets?

You may be wondering, “why do my teeth hurt when I eat sweets?”

With the holidays approaching, sweet treats are within everyone’s reach. That said, tooth pain when eating sweets is more common than ever. Sunrise Dentistry is here to discuss what happens to your teeth when you consume anything sweet.

If you have a sweet tooth, you can reduce teeth sensitivity to sugar. Before we go to that, let’s first find out why sugary foods and drinks are a no-no for your teeth.

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

The enamel covers and protects the crown of your teeth. Underneath it is dentin, which consists of microscopic canals and tubes. When there’s hardly any enamel left to protect your teeth, foods and drinks that are acidic, hot, cold, and sugary reach the dentin. This causes tooth sensitivity.

There are several reasons why your teeth may lose their enamel and lead to toothache after eating sweets, including the following:

1. Brushing Too Hard

Brushing too hard or using a toothbrush with stiff bristles can tear away your teeth’ enamel.

2. Eating Acidic Foods

The foods and drinks you consume can damage your teeth’ enamel. Here’s are some of them:

  • Cranberries
  • Coffee
  • Pickles
  • Oranges
  • Alcohol
  • Grapefruits
  • Lemons

Apart from promoting teeth sensitivity, these foods and drinks can cause discoloration and make your teeth prone to cavities.

3. Gum Disease

Periodontal disease doesn’t just affect the gums. They also impact your overall oral health and how your teeth feel. When you have this dental problem, you may also experience tooth pain when eating sweets.

4. Cavities

Cavities are the number one enemy of your teeth. When you realize your teeth hurt after eating sweets, tell your dentist right away. There may be cavities that need to be filled.

5. Dental Trauma

If you were in an accident that has damaged, chipped, or cracked your teeth, you might experience teeth sensitivity. This may also lead to sensitivity to sugary goods.

6. Teeth Whitening Treatments

A recent teeth whitening procedure can cause temporary sensitivity to sweets. However, this goes away in time, compared to sensitivity caused by enamel loss or tooth decay.

Toothache After Eating Sweets: Why Does It Happen?

When you’re munching down on some sugary treats, you might forget about their effects on your teeth. Candies, carbonated drinks, and pastries can dissolve and erode your teeth’ enamel.

According to key facts from the World Health Organization, decay and cavities happen when the bacteria in your mouth metabolize sugar that becomes acid that eats away the enamel and dentin, making your teeth sensitive to sugar, causing pain.

How To Prevent Teeth Sensitivity To Sweets?

There are several things you can do to maintain optimum oral health. When you practice proper oral hygiene, you can also prevent tooth decay and enamel loss. Here are some of them:

1. Be mindful of what you consume.

The things you eat directly affect your oral health. It’s important to watch what you eat. Unhealthy foods can negatively impact your oral health. Eating a well-balanced and healthy diet guarantees you get sufficient vitamins.

Vitamin deficiency can cause tooth decay. Some foods can prevent enamel loss and sensitivity to sweets, such as milk, yogurt, fiber-rich foods, and cheese.

2. Control your sugar intake.

If you experience a toothache after eating sweets, try reducing your sugar intake. It will protect your teeth from sensitivity and save you from cavities.

3. Change your toothpaste.

If your teeth are extra sensitive, consider changing your toothpaste. There are toothpaste variants suitable for people with sensitive teeth. Ask your dentist for recommendations.

4. Change your toothbrush.

According to the American Dental Association, it’s important to change your toothbrush every three to four months — or earlier when the bristles start fraying. Opt for soft bristles, as well. They clean your teeth and preserve your teeth’ enamel.

5. Visit your dentist regularly.

You should also schedule a dental appointment every six months. Dental checkups can help determine oral problems while they’re still in their early stages. Your dentist can also provide you with treatment options to minimize teeth sensitivity to sugar.

What Does Teeth Sensitivity Feel Like?

When your teeth have developed a sensitivity to sweets, you’ll feel different sensations inside your mouth and face, like:

  • Referred pain along the side of your face, in your eyes, or your sinuses
  • Intense, stabbing pain
  • Tingling
  • Aching

What Are Treatment Options For Teeth Sensitivity?

The treatment approach for sensitive teeth depends on the root cause of the problem. There are cases where switching to a toothpaste for sensitive teeth will not suffice. If your case is mild, then a good toothpaste can help.

For more severe cases, your dentist may recommend dental bonding where they attach a resin material to your teeth that matches the natural color of your teeth.

For people with cavities, your dentist can fill them to eliminate teeth sensitivity pain. People suffering from gingivitis or periodontitis may benefit from scaling, deep cleaning, and antibiotics. Surgical options are also available for more serious stages of gum disease.

Your dentist may also recommend wearing a mouth guard if you suffer from bruxism. Teeth grinding can also cause enamel loss. You can also purchase over-the-counter painkillers to manage teeth sensitivity pain.

When Should You See a Dentist?

“Why do my teeth hurt when I eat sweets?” is a question that your dentist can answer. Visit your dentist immediately if you experience any of the following:

  • Tooth pain that doesn’t go away after a week
  • Pain or sensation that affects your routine
  • Swollen, bleeding, or puffy gums

Sunrise Dentistry Can Help

We offer holistic dentistry in Durango, CO.

Our holistic dentists are ready to provide you with the dental care you deserve. With us, toothaches after eating sweets will be a thing of the past. Schedule an appointment at Sunrise Dentistry today.

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