Dentist Durango CO: Sunrise Dentistry’s Holistic Care

Dentist Durango CO: Sunrise Dentistry’s Holistic Care

In the stunning landscapes of Durango, Colorado, Sunrise Dentistry stands out as a beacon of holistic dental care. For over a decades Dale Strietzel’s practice has focused on bringing affordable Holistic dental care to Southwest Colorado.  has been a renowned dentist in Southwest Colorado. We guide our practice with the understanding that teeth do not exist separately from our digestion, our skeletal system, or our entire cellular environment. Each sub-system is an integral part of the whole. Affect one area and you affect everything.

Why is Holistic Dentistry Important?

Holistic dentistry, also known as natural, unconventional, or integrative dentistry, has deep roots tracing back to the 1800s. The need for Holistic Dentistry was initially recognized by the National Dental Association  as the harmful effects of amalgam (mercury) fillings came to light. These were so harmful that the NDA mandated its members from not using amalgam in their practices. Later on Tooth decay was observed to be caused by a systemically chemical imbalance, showing that overall health and dental health are indeed intertwined. Holistic dentistry has its roots on this interconnection, and its practitioners work in a way that their procedures will be beneficial (or at least wont affect) general health. When an dental illness is present, we look at the whole body system to find deeply rooted causes.

Our guiding principles at Sunrise Dentistry as Holistic dentists are the following:

Nutrition Matters: Proper nutrition is integral to prevent and reverse degenerative dental diseases. A holistic dentist considers your diet’s impact on oral health.

Avoiding Toxins: Holistic dentists prioritize the avoidance of toxins from dental materials. Your well-being is safeguarded by using biocompatible materials.

Balancing Bites: Recognizing bite problems as physical imbalances, holistic dentists treat and prevent dental occlusions to maintain overall health.

Treating Gum Disease Holistically: Holistic dentists address gum disease at its biological core, understanding its impact on systemic health.


A Comprehensive Approach to Care


Beyond traditional dentistry, holistic dentists delve into aspects often overlooked. When you visit our practice, questions about emotions, diet, exercise patterns, and habits may be part of your assessment as we recognize their potential relevance to oral health.

Holistic Dentistry Services

As a Holistic Dentist Durango CO, Sunrise Dentistry offers the following services.

  1. Fluoride Alternative: Contrary to conventional wisdom, we question the efficacy of fluoride in preventing cavities and are concerned about potential health risks, they opt for alternatives.
  2. Root Canal Concerns: At Sunrise Dentistry we approach root canals with caution, considering the potential proliferation of harmful bacteria. Their techniques focus on minimizing risks to overall health.
  3. Mercury-Free Dentistry: Aware of the dangers of mercury, holistic dentists prioritize mercury-free practices, understanding the risks associated with both the addition and removal of mercury fillings.
  4. Dietary Guidance: Strietzel’s practice emphasize the importance of a healthy diet, recognizing the impact of nutrition on both oral and overall health.
  5. Digital X-Rays: Concerned about radiation exposure, holistic dentists choose digital x-rays, which emit 50% less radiation compared to traditional x-rays.
  6. Biocompatibility Testing: Prioritizing your safety, holistic dentists use biocompatible materials and may recommend testing to ensure compatibility with your body and immune system.

Your Path to Holistic Dental Wellness

As your choice for a dentist in Durango, CO, Sunrise Dentistry invites you to experience the transformative benefits of holistic dental care. We care about your overall well-being and health and offer our services to guarantee your dental and physical wellness.

Embrace a dental journey that not only enhances your smile but also prioritizes your holistic well-being.

Contact us today with any questions regarding your overall dental and physical wellness and embark on a path to optimal oral and systemic health.


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