Close-up of womans face and female hand putting into mouth chewing gum

The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Wellness

The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Wellness

In today’s fast-paced world, we often compartmentalize our health. We visit various specialists for different aspects of our well-being – a dentist for our teeth, a podiatrist for our feet, and other practitioners for specific body parts or systems. While there’s merit in focusing on specific aspects of health, we must recognize that the body operates as an interconnected whole. Our teeth are not isolated from our digestion, our skeletal system, or our entire cellular environment.  Every sub-system plays a role in the overall symphony of our health, and when one area is affected, it can impact everything else. In fact or Oral Health plays a major role on our overall wellness.

This understanding forms the foundation of holistic dentistry, a practice that considers oral health in the context of overall wellness. At Sunrise Dentistry in Durango, Colorado, we embrace this holistic approach and recognize the profound connection between oral health and your body’s well-being.

The Mouth-Body Connection


To appreciate the significance of holistic dentistry, we must first understand the intricate relationship between oral health and the body’s overall wellness. The mouth is a gateway to the rest of the body, and its condition can provide valuable insights into your general health.

Oral Microbiome: The mouth hosts a diverse community of bacteria, fungi, and viruses collectively known as the oral microbiome. These microorganisms play a pivotal role in maintaining oral health. However, an imbalance in this microbiome can lead to oral diseases and potentially impact other bodily systems.

Inflammatory Response: Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, which is characterized by inflammation. This inflammation can release harmful bacteria and inflammatory markers into the bloodstream, potentially contributing to systemic inflammation, a known risk factor for various diseases.

Health Conditions Linked to Oral Health: Emerging research has established connections between oral health and several health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, and even cognitive decline.


Holistic Dentistry in Durango Colorado

Holistic dentistry is a philosophy and approach that considers these connections between oral health and overall wellness. It differs from traditional dentistry by focusing on the patient as a whole rather than just addressing specific dental issues.

Whole-Person Approach: Dr. Strietzel and the dentists in his practice view each patient as an integrated being, recognizing that oral health is intertwined with bodily systems. This perspective guides their diagnosis and treatment decisions.

Natural and Conventional Methods: Holistic dentistry combines natural and conventional dental methods to address oral health issues. It emphasizes the use of biocompatible materials and minimally invasive procedures when appropriate.

Patient-Centered Care: At Sunrise Dentistry in Durango, patients are actively involved in their treatment decisions. The approach is patient-centered, empowering individuals to make informed choices about their oral health.

The Impact of Poor Oral Health

Neglecting oral health can have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only your smile but your entire body. Some of the potential consequences of poor oral health include:

Cardiovascular Issues: Studies suggest that gum disease may be linked to an increased risk of heart disease, as the oral bacteria responsible for gum disease can enter the bloodstream and affect the heart.

Diabetes Management: Poor oral health can make it more challenging to control blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes, potentially exacerbating the condition.

Respiratory Infections: Inhaling oral bacteria can contribute to respiratory infections, particularly in individuals with compromised immune systems.

Pregnancy Complications: Pregnant women with gum disease may be at a higher risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.

Cognitive Decline: Some studies have suggested a connection between poor oral health and cognitive decline in older adults.

Digestive Issues: Oral problems, such as missing teeth or painful gums, can affect chewing and digestion, potentially leading to gastrointestinal discomfort.

Holistic Strategies for Oral and Overall Wellness

Maintaining excellent oral health contributes to overall wellness. Holistic dentistry encourages several strategies for achieving this balance:

Nutrition: A diet rich in whole foods, particularly those high in fiber, can support oral health. Fiber-rich foods stimulate saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and cleanse the mouth.

Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial for oral health. Water helps wash away food particles and bacteria, preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

Oral Hygiene: A thorough oral hygiene routine is essential. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are key components of maintaining oral health.

Natural Remedies: Holistic dentistry often incorporates natural remedies, such as herbal mouthwashes or oil pulling, to support oral health.

Stress Management: Stress can contribute to oral health issues like teeth grinding and clenching. Practicing stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation or yoga, can help.

Avoiding Harmful Habits: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can harm oral and overall health. Quitting or reducing these habits can have a positive impact.

Sunrise Dentistry’s Holistic Approach

At Sunrise Dentistry, we are dedicated to providing holistic dental care that recognizes the connection between oral health and overall wellness. Our philosophy centers on treating each patient as an individual with the utmost respect and care. Our goal is to make Holistic Dentistry accessible to the community of Durango Colorado and to foster overall welness

Patient-Centered Care: We believe in involving our patients in their treatment decisions. Your input and preferences matter, and we work together to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Safe Mercury Removal: We offer safe mercury removal protocols for individuals concerned about the potential health risks associated with amalgam fillings.

Comprehensive Services: Our practice provides a wide range of holistic dental services, including restorative, cosmetic, and primary dentistry, as well as dental sleep medicine. We cater to patients of all ages, ensuring everyone in your family receives the care they deserve.

Realizing the Connection: Patient Testimonials

The profound impact of holistic dentistry on overall wellness is best exemplified through patient testimonials. Many individuals have experienced remarkable improvements in their general health by addressing their oral health.

One patient, Sarah, shared her story of battling chronic digestive issues until she sought holistic dental care. Her dentist discovered an underlying oral infection that, when treated, led to a significant improvement in her digestive health. Stories like Sarah’s demonstrate the power of recognizing the connection between oral health and overall wellness.


Your oral health is intricately connected to your overall wellness. Neglecting your teeth and gums can have far-reaching consequences, impacting various bodily systems and potentially contributing to health conditions.

Holistic dentistry offers a comprehensive approach that recognizes this connection and empowers you to take charge of your well-being. At Sunrise Dentistry, we are committed to providing holistic dental care that considers your overall health and respects your individual needs.

By prioritizing oral health and adopting holistic strategies, you can work toward achieving a healthier smile and a healthier you. Take the first step by scheduling an appointment with Sunrise Dentistry and embracing a holistic approach to dental care.

Ready to experience the connection between oral health and overall wellness? Contact Sunrise Dentistry today to schedule your appointment and embark on a journey toward a healthier smile and a healthier life.

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