SD 6 Causes of Jaw Pain You Shouldn't Ignore

6 Causes of Jaw Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

Jaw health plays a central role in keeping the body healthy when it comes to chewing and digesting the food you eat. When jaw pain develops, it not only compromises your ability to eat but may also affect other areas of your health depending on the cause. Pain in jaw can take different forms, including …

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SD  Tooth Replacement

Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth Quickly

If you have missing tooth, you likely want to fix it as soon as you can since a missing tooth can affect the look of your smile. It’s also important to replace a lost tooth to protect your gums and the rest of your teeth. If you need to know how to replace a tooth …

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SD Dentist Checking for Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay: The Cause and Prevention

Last week I asked the hygienist what was the most common question patients ask her. She paused a moment to think about it and then said, “Do I have any cavities?” And that brings us to cavities. What causes them? How do we find them? How do we fix them? How can we prevent cavities …

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SD Missing-Teeth

Missing Teeth? Now What?

Many years ago there were not many options to replace missing teeth.  George Washington was plagued with dental issues most of his life. If you Google ‘George Washington wooden teeth’ you will see all kinds of stories and even pictures of the dentures that George Washington wore (you can actually view the only known set …

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SD 3d rendered illustration of an amalgam filling

Metal Mouth: The harmful effects of mercury in fillings

Dental amalgam has been used in dentistry for more than 150 years. Many dentists use amalgams to fill cavities, which have used in hundreds of millions of patients. The main concern of dental amalgams lies in the fact that it contains mercury. While the FDA currently claims that the amount of mercury used in dental …

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