Refreshing Drinks That Are Good for Your Teeth

SD-Senior Enjoying a Cold Cola

The summer heat makes reaching out for sugary, ice-cold drinks easier. However, drinking sodas, lemonade, sweet teas, and iced coffees all summer is harmful to your oral health. Don’t worry; you don’t have to give up on refreshing drinks that can hydrate you throughout the summer. You’ll find plenty of sugar-free or low-sugar alternatives to … Read more

Dentistry in World War II

SD-Battleship dentist room

Your teeth are the very least of your priorities when you’re out in the front. History has made us aware of the many conditions and diseases soldiers faced and suffered on an insufficiently supplied frontline. Just as they suffered through shell shock, tropical diseases, and frostbite, soldiers also experienced tooth pain. It may seem insignificant, … Read more

The Dental Benefits of Milk and Dairy

SD-Smiling pretty teenage girl with dental braces

Is milk good for your teeth? The short answer? Yes. Milk and other dairy products are some of the best foods for teeth and overall health. By definition, milk is a fluid secreted by female mammals that nourish their young. The most common milk humans consume comes from cows and goats. Milk is rich in … Read more

Toothpaste Ingredients: The Good and the Bad

SD-Closeup on hands squeezing toothpaste on brush

How does one choose toothpaste? The many varieties and brands of toothpaste make it confusing and overwhelming to choose one. We often hear “four out of five dentists agree” or “nine out of ten dentists agree” about toothpaste in ads. Most brands on the toothpaste aisle also put these in their advertisements, making it more … Read more

What You Need to Know About Mewing

SD-Healthy smile and doing mewing practice

Few people have naturally straight teeth, but many desire them. However, achieving perfectly straight teeth is expensive, leading people to try solutions like mewing. Mewing is a practice not many know about, but it’s recently gaining traction on social media. It’s a technique that supposedly straightens teeth without visiting an orthodontist. Practitioners claim it corrects … Read more

Essential Foods That Prevent Cavities

Dentist and patient in dentist office

Nutrition and diet are important factors in oral health, making foods that prevent cavities a vital aspect of any conversation about oral health. They can influence the development of conditions like caries, periodontal disease, and erosion. Diet and nutritional recommendations are affected by various factors like age, medical condition, and socioeconomic status. For example, older … Read more

When To Remove Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Two extracted wisdom teeth on dentist palm

Your third molars are the last of your teeth to appear, a significant dental care milestone. They are more commonly known as wisdom teeth because they come out between the ages of 17 and 21 when a person is older and said to be wiser. A healthy wisdom tooth that has grown properly will help … Read more

Medicinal Plants: Are They Good for Your Teeth?

Middle age blonde woman holding medical

Medicinal plants are often regarded as the primary component of alternative medicine. Once again, they are placed in the spotlight as holistic dentistry looks at the philosophies of traditional medicine and aims to promote organic cures. The emphasis on medicinal plants’ use has always been prevention and treatment. Many studies have been conducted on the … Read more